GAPA Theatre Spring 2025 Writing Workshops
Call for QTAPI Storytellers in the San Francisco/Bay Area!
As Queer and Transgender Asians and Pacific Islanders (QTAPIs), our life journeys have brought us to spaces of refuge where we can feel validated in our identities, connect with like-minded and kindred spirits, discover more of our communities and uncover our purpose of being.
These spaces can be:
A bar or club where you’ve become a regular and everyone watches out for one another
A group that has a social, cultural, political or health promotion mission where you find connections of purpose
Your family/chosen family who sees you
A “pod (tight circle of friends/family)” that came about organically during the COVID pandemic where you kept each other safe and healthy
We will explore these themes of safe space + critical refuge to develop stories (personal solo narratives and short vignettes) that are rooted in our lived experiences for a special GAPA Theatre production in May 2025 for QTAPI week.
Join the GAPA Theatre Collective Spring 2025 Writing Workshop Sessions to develop stories/performances for our next production for QTAPI Week 2025! No previous writing experience necessary!
Everyone has a story to tell and those stories matter.
Sessions for this cohort will include
Special writing sessions with guest QTAPI writer/facilitators (virtual)
Cohort writing/support sessions (in-person)
Artist stipends for cohort members.
Artistic coaching for performance/readings
Application Link:
Applications Deadline Extended: February 2, 2025; 5PM
Contact if you have any questions.